Our Expert Profiles

Prof. Ir. Dr. Kumaran Palanisamy
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Prof. Ir. Dr. Kumaran Palanisamy has 37 years of working experience in electric power generation in a multinational electricity utility corporation in Malaysia, Tenaga Nasional Berhad and Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN). Prof. Ir. Dr. Kumaran Palanisamy has been working as a Project Engineer/Manager for a multinational Fastenal Company, in the United States for 2 years (1991-2001). His tenure at Fastenal Company brought about many improvements to the light manufacturing division, especially on Quality Assurance. His knowledge and experience have been put together in various projects, at the Purdue University @ Indianapolis, including NASA funded project namely the Combustion Wave Rotor.
Upon returning to Malaysia, he has been involved actively as the researcher and analyst for the ASEAN Australia Energy Policy System Project (EPSAP) funded by AusAid from 2002 – 2005 and facilitated by Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM) under the Ministry of Energy, Malaysia. His responsibilities with the 16 members national team of experts include developing a comprehensive energy model database for Malaysia using the MARKAL tool to undertake national and regional policy analysis. Several policy studies were conducted under the program, including ASEAN Energy Market Integration and Policies and Strategies towards Sustainable Development in ASEAN.
He is also an active academician who has contributed actively in teaching, training, research, and consultancy service to the power and energy industry, including Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Besides developing short courses related to energy & power for power plant engineerssuch as Reliability Center Maintenance and Condition Based Maintenance, he has also developed teaching modules in Industrial Safety & Maintenance Management for Open University Malaysia. He has been appointed as Technical Expert for evaluation of Green Technology Funding Scheme and by SEDA as an authorized professional expert for Acceptance Test and Acceptance Test for endorsement of Biomass and Biogas Power Plants under the FiT scheme in Malaysia.
Prof. Kumaran is also a prominent researcher who has more than 100 highly referenced publications in the field of Renewable and Sustainable Energy domain and has several patents including an international patent on Rapid Conversion of Waste Cooking oil into Methyl Ester (Biodiesel) that meet international standard fuel specification ASTM D6751 and Hydrogen. The indigenous technology has been adopted for the National Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel Program under the Economic Transformation Program – Education NKEA. He has been also actively pursuing research on harnessing bioenergy potential from waste, in particular, sewage and palm oil mill sludge. Prof. Ir Dr. Kumaran has also led a team of researchers and successfully and completed commercialize scale research project to enhance the biogas generation from sewage sludge including designing and developing a grid-connected 330kW biogas R&D power plant to harnessrenewable. The full-pledged R&D demonstration plant has been operating successfully since 2016 and the design if replicated has potential forsignificant cost-saving and carbon foot reduction for the Indah Water Consortium sewage treatment plant in Malaysia.
Prof. Ir. Dr. Kumaran Palanisamy has been also entrusted to helm URND since 2017, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UNITEN, to expand the Research, Consultant, Technical Training capabilities, and portfolio of services including commercialization of UNITEN technologies and innovations. His 4-year tenure has managed to attract visibility and traction on UNITEN research and consultancy capabilities among the Industries and Government agencies both nationally and internationally especially in the ASEAN region to conclude 450 projects from 2001 since URND inception in 2008. Prof. Kumaran’s leadership has fostered successful research collaborations with international research establishment, universities and institutes in the field of energy studies such as the Oxford Institute of Energy Studies (OIES), MIT of USA, University of Sheffield, UK, University of Glamorgan, UK, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Among the project that he has successfully managed, and coordinated and concluded is the 3-year project in collaboration with OIES entitled “UNITEN-OIES Fellowship Program in Energy Policy” to deliver 2 reports for the reference and outlook of Gas and Electricity Market Reform, Liberalization and Competitiveness in Malaysia.
Key Project Highlights
- ETSAP Using MARKAL - ASEAN-Australia Energy Policy and Systems Analysis Project (EPSAP) - National Energy System & Policy Analysis Energy Policy Analysis in the ASEAN Region coordinated by Pusat Tenaga Nasional, Ministry of Energy Malaysia (2003-2006)
- Fuel Diversification, Economic and Environmental Impact of Alternative Fuel Mix Targets for Malaysia, ASEAN- Australia Energy Cooperation Project (AAECP) Energy Policy and System Analysis Project (EPSAP) For Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia(2003-2004).
- Cost and Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy in Malaysia, ASEAN-Australia Energy Cooperation Project (AAECP) Energy Policy and System Analysis Project (EPSAP) For Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia (2004- 2005).
- GreenhouseGas MitigationOptions with Emphasis on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Strategies, ASEAN- Australia Energy Cooperation Project (AAECP) Energy Policy and System Analysis Project (EPSAP) For Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia(2005-2006).
- EDUCATION NKEA-EPP9 : Advanced Engineering Sciences and Innovation Cluster (AESIC) - WCO Biodiesel as Sustainable Energy Sources Towards Commercialization(2012-2016)
- Akaun Amanah Industri Bekalan Elektrik (AAIBE) - Research to Harness Renewable Energy Potential from STP Biogas and Treated Waste Waterto Generate Electricity (2012 to 2018)
- UNITEN-OIES Fellowship Program in Energy Policy - Gas Industry Reform and Evolution of a Competitive Gas Market for Malaysia.(2018-2019)
- UNITEN-OIES Fellowship Program in Energy Policy - Electricity Supply Industry Reform and Design of Competitive Electricity Market in Malaysia.(2019-2020)
- TNB Business Innovation and Incubation (BII) - Waste to Wealth: Biodiesel for Greener and Sustainable Power Generation (2019-2020)
- Development of Asset Management Strategies and Maintenance Guidelines for EVNHCMC 110kV Distribution System – (2019-2020)
- National Technology and Innovation Sandbox – Waste to Greener Fuel using Rapid Innovation Processing Scheme (2021 – present)

Dr. Siti Indati Mustapa
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Dr Siti Indati Mustapa is Director of the Institute of Energy Policy and Research (IEPRe) at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) and a Senior Lecturer at the College of Energy Economics and Social Sciences. She has vast industry experience spanning more than 20 years within energy research, energy policy, energy sustainability, greenhouse gas inventory, and energy management. She works as a researcher and consultant on the issue of energy sustainability and the environment. She has served in research consultancy and advisory capacities for the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment (MNRE - formally known as Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change - MESTECC), Energy Commission, Economic Planning Unit and Department of Statistics (Environment). She led a series of the research project for MESTECC developing a roadmap to achieve the INDC target of Malaysia, including an in-depth assessment of mitigation actions and expanding the greenhouse gas inventory for the energy sector. She also led and completed the Greenhouse gas and Mitigation Chapters for Energy Sector for the Third National Communications Project to UNFCCC. In addition, she works in the collaboration program between Oxford Institute of Energy Studies (OIES) and IEPRe for “Gas Industry Reform and the Evolution of a Competitive Gas Market in Malaysia”, aimed at evaluating the impact and anticipated time frame of increasing competition and development of spot LNG trade and pricing in the regional (ASEAN) and global gas market on the availability and price in Malaysia.She has been the consultant for a Long-term roadmap on the 40% Reduction in Carbon Intensity for MNRE From 2011- 2013. The project aims at providing the government with a clear milestone and policy strategies for delivering its long-term vision for achieving the emission reduction target in Malaysia. The study applied the MARKAL model to analyse the various options in the energy sector and evaluate the implications of scenarios specific to the energy sector.
Dr. Siti Indati has been also involved actively as the researcher and analyst for the ASEAN Australia Energy Policy System Project (EPSAP) funded by AusAid from 2002 – 2005. Her responsibilities include developing an energy demand outlook using MARKAL and developed a model database for regional policy analysis for Malaysia under the Ministry of Energy. Several policy studies were conducted under the programme, including ASEAN Energy Market Integration and Policies and Strategies toward Sustainable Development in ASEAN. In addition, she has vast experience in managing stakeholder’s engagement at the national and international collaborative energy-related program through Chair in Energy Economics of Energy Commission at UNITEN, with the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India (from 2009-2013) and Institute of Energy Economics of Japan (IEEJ) since 2014. Since 2019, she is also an active member of the Energy Research Institute Network (ERIN) academic network, preparing appropriate energy policy studies recommendations to energy policymakers in the East Asia Summit region. She has been appointed as the co-chairperson of ERIN 2021. She is currently the technical advisor for Malaysia Green Technology Corporation on Malaysia Climate Action Simulator Development and a working member of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) research project on Economics and Risks of Power System with High Shares
of Renewable Energies.
Key Project Highlights
- Gas Industry Reform and the Evolution of a Competitive Gas Market in Malaysia (2019-2020).
- Development of the Mitigation Analysis (Including Emission Projection) for Third National Communications, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2018-2019).
- Circular Economy on Urban Waste Water Treatment (2019-2020).
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory for Energy Sector and Industrial Processes, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2016-2019).
- A Roadmap of Emission Intensity Reduction in Malaysia, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2013-2014).
- An Inception report of Long-term roadmap on the 40% Reduction in Carbon Intensity, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2011-2012).
- Energy Efficient Pathways for the Transportation Sector in Malaysia (2010).
- Fuel Diversification, Economic and Environmental Impact of Alternative Fuel Mix Targets for Malaysia, ASEAN-Australia Energy Cooperation Project (AAECP) Energy Policy and System Analysis Project (EPSAP) For Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia (2003-2004).
- Cost and Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy in Malaysia, ASEAN-Australia Energy Cooperation Project (AAECP) Energy Policy and System Analysis Project (EPSAP) For Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia (2004- 2005).
- Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options with Emphasis on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Strategies, ASEAN-Australia Energy Cooperation Project (AAECP) Energy Policy and System Analysis Project (EPSAP) For Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia (2005-2006).
- Analysis of Energy Saving Potential in East Asia Region Study under Economic Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) collaborates with the Institute of Energy Economics of Japan, IEEJ (2008-2010).
- Study on the Long-Term National Strategy for the Malaysian Energy Sector Study for Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia (1998-2000).

Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Mohd Ezanee Rusli
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Assoc Prof. Ts Dr. Mohd Ezanee Rusli has 22 years working experience in Tenaga Nasional Berhad in IT Division and College of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Tenaga Nasional in Malaysia. Currently he is the Director of Strategic Planning Center of UNITEN and is responsible to formulate UNITEN’s direction by incorporating annual business plan, business risk management, university performance, and inputs from international advisors to achieve university strategic goals.
Assoc Prof. Ts Dr. Mohd Ezanee Rusli has 22 years working experience in Tenaga Nasional Berhad in IT Division and College of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Tenaga Nasional in Malaysia. Currently he is the Director of Strategic Planning Center of UNITEN and is responsible to formulate UNITEN’s direction by incorporating annual business plan, business risk management, university performance, and inputs from international advisors to achieve university strategic goals.
His area of expertise mainly related to Cyber Physical Systems, Cyber Security, Smart Grid, Network and Communication. He has published more than 50 publications in this area. He is also an active member of Technical Code Drafter for Internet of Things Security Group for Malaysian Technical Standard Forums Berhad (MTSFB) and Professional Technologist of MBOT since 2019.
Key Project Highlights
- Network Security Assessment for TNB-IT, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, 2005.
- Development of Crypto Engine for CORE Expert System Sdb Bhd, 2014.
- Research on Cyber Security Vulnerabilities & Development of Cyber Security Metrics for IEC 61850 Based Substation, 2014.
- Advising and developing of Cyber Security Framework for TNBD SCADA Master System, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, 2015.
- Development of SCADA testbed for Cyber Security Assessment, Cyber Security Malaysia, 2016.
- Research on Lightweight Authentication Scheme using Asymmetric Cryptographic for Routing Protocol of Internet of Things (IOT), MOHE, 2018.
- Research and Development of multi-platform for Smart Micro Grid and Smart Campus using Open FMB, 2019.
- Research on Micro Cryptographic Engine for Protecting Data in SCADA Link, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, 2019.

Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Hazleen Aris
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Hazleen Aris is currently the Director of the Institute of Informatics and Computing in Energy (IICE), a research institute that specialises on research and consultancy in the areas related to energy informatics. She has been holding the position since June 2019, after serving the position as the head of unit for two years before that. As one of the founding members of the institute, she was heavily involved in its setting up and the development of its strategic plan, roadmap and research framework. Prior to joining the academic world, she had a stint in the industry as an information technology (IT) executive at TNB IT (now TNB ICT) where she was involved in a number of IT development and maintenance projects run by TNB ICT. Since joining UNITEN in 2000, she has been actively involved in the research and development (R&D) activities in the domain of computer science and information technology, particularly in the areas of software engineering and energy informatics. Her research capability is recognised both locally and internationally through a number of research grants secured in collaboration with the researchers from a number of international research institutions around the world, particularly those from the European and ASEAN countries. She has been appointed as the editorial board member of a number of reputable journals and conferences, and has been in the post-graduate curriculum design advisory committee of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya since 2006. Apart from R&D activities, she is also involved in the teaching of specialised software engineering courses such as software quality assurance and project management at both graduate and post-graduate levels. She has been authoring and co-authoring numerous research publications to date, including those published in reputable academic journals. She is also a certified professional technologist with the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) since 2018.
Key Project Highlights
- Mapping and Tracking of Malaysia's National Digital Policies and Plans vis-à-vis the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025 (ADM 2025), ongoing. Role: Project leader. This project funded by MCMC aims at identifying the gaps and proposing recommendations for future digital development policies with regards to the ADM 2025.
- Design and Development of Distribution Network Datahub for a Future Proof Energy Efficient Utility, ongoing. Role: Member. This project aims to design and develop a central datahub to improve the visibility of distributed energy resources data at the distribution network level.
- Design of a Model for Harmonised Regional Electricity Market for ASEAN, ongoing. Role: Project leader. This project aims to propose a harmonised regional electricity structure that is compatible with the existing structure in each ASEAN country to facilitate cross border transactions.
- Enhanced Continuous Face Recognition Algorithm for Smart Monitoring and Surveillance in Bandwidth Constrained Network, completed. Role: Project leader. In this project, a lightweight algorithm for face recognition was designed and developed for implementation in premises with limited network connectivity without compromising its accuracy and performance.

Dr. Fathoni Usman, Asean Eng.
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Dr Fathoni Usman is a senior lecturer in Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) where he has been a faculty member since 2010. He teaches structural steel design; assessment, repair and rehabilitation for bachelor and the postgraduate degree of Civil Engineering courses; conducts research, provides short courses and consultancy services to the industry, especially in the field of structural assessment and monitoring. He also served as Head of Unit in Institute of Energy Infrastructure, (IEI); senior researcher for Forensic Engineering Group (FEG) UNITEN and as an academic committee member of Malaysian Structural Steel Association, MSSA. He received his PhD and M.Eng. in Civil Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia. He completed his 1st degree in Civil Engineering from Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. His research interests are in structural and materials; structural health monitoring; natural hazard monitoring and early warning system development; and value engineering advisory system.
Key Project Highlights
- Validation of AK Tower Software for Future Development of New Lattice Steel Tower Simulation and Design Software (Grid Tower). Client TNB Grid Division. July 2019 – July 2020
- Health Index of Electric Transmission Line System Development: Structure, non-structure and cables. Client TNB Grid Division. September 2018 – January 2019
- BIM and VE Integration in IBS and Non-IBS Projects for Optimization of Energy Infrastructure’s Asset Development, TNB Seed Fund June 2017 – June 2018

Associate Professor Dr. Mohamed Ansari, M.N.
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ansari, M.N.M. started his career as a Project Engineer, Al-Jawdah Company, Saudi Arabia (1996-1997) during which he led the team for a PVC pipe fitting plant apart from being a Production Engineer for PVC pipe manufacturing division. He ventured into academia as a Lecturer in Polymer Technology (1997-2002), BSA Crescent University where he served as placement coordinator for his department and as a processing laboratory Manager.
In 2002, he moved to Malaysia as a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, AIMST University, Sungai Petani, Kedah. He exhibited his talents by being the organizing chairperson and technical committee for various conferences organized by the AIMST University apart from being the Secretary for R&D committee and a member of curriculum development committee. He served the Faculty as a Final year project coordinator (2008-2010) and as an academic advisor for marketing department.
In 2010, he joined UNITEN as a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering where he is still serving as a member of the Faculty of Engineering programme review committee. He also volunteered as coordinator for Industrial Talks for undergraduate students (2011/12). He is a professional member of Plastics and Rubber Institute Malaysia (PRIM) since 2013, member of IEEE, U.K since 2018 and registered as a Professional Technologists in Board of Engineers, Malaysia (2019).
He serves as a Technical Program Review Committee for Nanotech Conference Series, USA since 2011 and a reviewer for many technical journals. Dr. Ansari has more than 22 years of teaching, research and industrial experience and has co-authored publications of over 70 research articles in refereed technical journals, 3 book chapters and 2 books, details of which are available in Google scholar and Research Gate. He has supervised 3 Ph.D, 17 Masters and 80+ undergraduate final year project theses. He has examined 3 Ph.D and 10 Masters’ theses. He was also a visiting researcher at RMIT, Australia (2010-2015) and MIT, USA (2019-2020). He has delivered more than 10 invited lectures worldwide.
Key Project Highlights
- Development of Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite For Insulating Material in Power Transmission Line Support. Initiative for TNB – Grid Solution Expertise, 2018-2020
- Techno-Economic Feasibility of Graphene-based Supercapacitors. Initiative for TNB – Energy Ventures Division, 2019-2020.
- Development of activated carbon based electrode from Kenaf fibre-waste for supercapacitor applications. (YCU sponsored project), 2019 – 2020.

Afdzal Aizat Ramli
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Afdzal Aizat Ramli had a formal education at University of Putra Malaysia. He did his degree in Bachelor of Science in Human Development (2002 – 2005) and later on continued his studies in Masters of Science, specializing in Human Resource Management (2009 – 2013). He has collected such a wide working experience as he was a staff of Perintis Network Sdn. Bhd. (2006 – 2008) which was responsible for handling event & exhibition especially in construction & fabrication, and now, he is under assignment at Universiti Tenaga Nasional Sdn. Bhd. (UNITEN) as a lecturer.
Apart from teaching in UNITEN, he is active in managing a few activities that are related to student development such as Kejohanan Olahraga Uniten, Kejohanan Sukan Mahsiswa and he as well an advisor of Motorsport and Recreational Club. Likewise, he also has some experiences in conducting a survey particularly for Tenaga Nasional Berhad (Distribution), TNB Security & Safety Department (SSD), TNB Real Estate Ventures (REV), TNB Integrity Department, TNB Janamanjung Sdn. Bhd. and TNB Fleet Management & Distribution specifically in measuring Customer Satisfaction Index which focus more on knowledge, strategic and relation gaps between TNB and its customers. Nonetheless, he is also a member of Smart Tenaga’s survey which is an exclusive survey on the level of awareness of customers regarding electrical safety, green product and TNB’s products.
Key Project Highlights
- Development of Instrument Towards Reevaluation of Services Rendered for Internal Customers - TNB Integrity Department 2019
- Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2019 – A Survey on the Level of Customer Satisfaction towards the Services Rendered and Facilities Provided by Real Estate Ventures Department, TNB
- Stakeholder Engagement Perception Survey for TNB Janamanjung Sdn. Bhd. – 2019
Associate Professor Dr. Wahidah Hashim

Associate Professor Dr. Wahidah Hashim
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Wahidah Hashim has been with the Institute of Informatics and Computing in Energy (IICE), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), as an Associate Professor, since 2016. Previously, she worked at MIMOS Berhad, a national research agency as a wireless communication research scientist. Apart from her active research in cognitive communication system, critical signal assessment, and wireless systems, she is actively involved in the development of Malaysian technical specification, standard and guidelines of wireless devices, international mobile telecommunication (IMT) systems and sensor network for Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). Her recent projects are related to the measuring and assessing signal quality for Tenaga Nasional Remote Meter Reading using UAS ad well as vegetation analysis for the transmission corridor. The project has motivated her to design a platform for aerial spectrum mapping to be used as a payload for industrial drone. She has published nearly 106 publications and filed several patents on her research findings. Wahidah has secured several government grants as well as industrial grants for the development of universal modem and signal analyser. She is also UNITEN evaluation panels for government grants. She is also the committee panel for intellectual property rights of Uniten. Wahidah trains engineers in network radio planning for cellular network as well as unlicensed spectrum bands.
Wahidah Hashim has gained industrial recognitions as a Vice chairman for Malaysian Technical Standard Forum Berhad (MTSFB) reference panel, a chairman for Wireless terminal working group, team lead Task Force in Managed Services for MTSFB, a technical consultant for Wireless Terminal Technical Standards for Short range devices and LTE, a Malaysian delegate to International Telecommunication Union – Radiocommunication (ITU-R) IMT Working Party 5D in Goa and Geneva, Malaysian delegate to Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Standardization Program (ASTAP), Bangkok and Macau, as well as Deputy lead focus group, International Telecommunication Union – Standardization (ITU-T) on aviation cloud computing.
Key Project Highlights
- Leaders in Innovation Fellowships – MIGHT Malaysia and Royal Academy of Engineering UK 2020
- Right of Way Airborne Inspection Cognitive Analyser for LiDAR vegetation inspection – TNB Grid 2019
- Radio Frequency Network Planning – International Malaysian Training Centre 2019
Associate Professor Dr. Asmidar Abu Bakar

Associate Professor Dr. Asmidar Abu Bakar
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Asmidar Abu Bakar is an Assoc.Prof at the Institute of Informatics and Computing in Energy (IICE), Universiti Tenaga Nasional. Her core expertise is in Access control in the Manet emergency environment. She is also working on an area of trust and fuzzy in the social network. Her current interest is in Information Security and focusing on privacy and trust. Her recent work is on data selection algorithm for privacy preservation, which she is working closely with Tenaga Nasional Berhad. In conducting her research work, she is also working with Cyber Security Malaysia. Asmidar has published book chapters, journals and conference papers in area of networking, security and privacy.
Key Project Highlights
- Intelligent Data Selection Algorithm for Privacy Preservation, TNB Seeding Fund 2019-2021
- Privacy Preservation Technique for Smart Metering Data, TNB Seeding Fund 2016-2018
- Formulating privacy access control model for Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) in emergency services,2015
Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Norziana Jamil

Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Norziana Jamil
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Norziana has a 10-year working experience with telco, oil and gas and IT industry before joining the University. She is one of the pioneers in Malaysia who was granted a scholarship to pursue postgraduate study in the area of Information and cybersecurity. Coming back from her study in UK, she was involved in a lot of initiatives and projects under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. Her last position before joining the university was a Head of Department. Due to her wide network and linkages with people from different Industries, she usually receives useful Industrial information for her research and innovation. Hence she has been consistently securing consultancy and research projects every year since she joined the University, with strong supports from her Industrial partners. She has also been appointed as a Subject Matter Experts, advisory panel and Project Leader for many projects at National and Industrial levels. She has also been representing the country for international meetings related to Cryptography and Information Security since 2004, and was among the few of the reference points for the implementation of Quantum Cryptography in Malaysia.
She was appointed by CyberSecurity Malaysia as one of the Subject Matter Experts to submit on behalf of Malaysia, a cryptographic scheme, for the International call of a new cryptography standard by NIST, US. She was selected by Royal Academy of Engineering United Kingdom as one of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowship, has established a number of active and good collaboration with local and international universities, won gold medals for all expositions and competitions that she participated, disclosed and filed for more than 10 IPs internationally and locally, a Six Sigma belt, was invited as an invited speaker for many International and local events and conferences, wrote articles as an invited author for magazine columns and recently being awarded with an ‘Outstanding Women Award in Engineering (Information Security)’ by 5th Venus International Women Awards.
Key Project Highlights
- MySEAL – National Trusted Cryptographic Algorithm List – CyberSecurity Malaysia, 2016-2020
- SCADA Security Simulation Testbed – CyberSecurity Malaysia, 2016-2018
- A Micro Cryptographic Engine for Protecting Data in SCADA Link – Tenaga Nasional Berhad, 2016-2018

Associate Professor Lee Choon Yong
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lee Choon Yong has over 30 years’ experience in geotechnical engineering for both the industry and academic sectors. His experience focused on geotechnical investigations, assessment of difficult ground conditions, geotechnical analysis and design. He has a special interest in geotechnical design, numerical modelling and finite element analyses for problems related to soil-structure interactions such as slope stabilisation, embankment, offshore foundations, raft slab, piled foundation, excavations and retaining structures.
He has contributed actively in teaching, research and consultancy service to industry. He has developed computer-controlled laboratory geotechnical testing facilities at UNITEN including virtual infinite stiffness (VIS) triaxial apparatus, cyclic simple shear apparatus and cyclic triaxial testing apparatus. He has also developed a modified constant volume simple shear device where the soil specimen height is kept constant and thus, achieving a constant volume (undrained) condition. The device allows reliable pore pressure measurement which is an important parameter for soils sheared under undrained condition. These advanced geotechnical engineering testing facilities can be used to study the complex behaviour of soil under static and cyclic loadings.
He proposed a simplified approach to analyze the factor of safety of slope-transmission tower-pile system by employing limit equilibrium based slope stability procedure incorporating stabilizing piles using the load transfer factor. The study shows that the slope geometry, soil type, pile position, diameter, spacing and tower loading have a combined effect on the overall stability of the slope-transmission tower-pile system.
He employed a numerical analysis based on a modified load-transfer (t-z) method to study the static and cyclic nonlinear soil strain-softening behaviour of axially loaded offshore pile embedded in marine soils. The theoretical pile analysis is shown to be able to predict the offshore pile behaviour under static and cyclic/storm loadings in different marine soil conditions.
Key Project Highlights
- Formulation of Soft Ground Improvement for Future TNB Substations. TNBR/TNB, 2012.
- Stability of Landfill Embankment over RC Culverts at TNB Sg. Jasin/Jasik Site in Cameron Highlands. TNBR/TNB, 2017.
- Optimum Design Methodologies for Stabilization of Unstable Transmission Tower Slopes with Piles. TNB Grid, 2019 on-going.

Ts. Dr. Nazrita Ibrahim
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Ts. Dr. Nazrita Ibrahim is currently a head of unit with the Institute of Informatics and Computing in Energy (IICE), Universiti Tenaga Nasional. Her core expertise is in the area of user experience design, targeted for a specific outcome, particularly in the domain of virtual reality. One of the projects that she has been working on for the past several years is on Virtual Reality (VR) based relaxation therapy system. As the leader of this project, Nazrita has been involved in managing the project (initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring) and coordinating a team of experts, research assistants and external consultants in developing a VR-based product from the conception stage up to the pre-commercialisation level.
Apart from project management, Nazrita is also heavily involved in the field work which includes requirement study, product design, development and evaluation, and pre-commercialisation activities. The work for this project has been funded by multiple grants, the latest of which is an innovation and commercialization fund from TNB, with the aim to study the commercial potential of the product and to further refine the developed prototype. In conducting her research work, she has collaborated with various industry players including TNB and MIMOS Berhad. Nazrita has published her research work in various publications, one of which is the ACM’s Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage, which is the top journal in the field of conservation and computing science applied to any aspect of the cultural heritage sector. Prior to joining IICE, she has been working on the area of heritage preservation using ICT and is considered as one of a few researchers working on this field in Malaysia.
Key Project Highlights
- Development of VR-based Relaxation Therapy System (Commercial Version) – TNB Innovation and Commercialisation Fund (Oct 2019 – ongoing). Role: Project Leader. Synopsis: This project involves redesigning and re-engineering the working prototype into a commercial-ready version (TRL8).
- Research and Development of VR-based Relaxation Therapy System – TNB Seeding Fund (Dec 2017 – May 2019). Role: Project Leader. Synopsis: This project investigates the factors required in designing a VR-based system for relaxation therapy, aiming to reduce the stress level of employees. The project has successfully developed a working prototype which was tested and evaluated in a targeted working environment (TRL5/6).
- The use of Mixed Reality (MR) Environment for Competency Training of Power Station Generating Equipment – TNB Seeding Fund (2018 – August 2019). Role: Project Member. Synopsis: This project looks into the design of a mixed reality learning environment targeted for competency training for adult learners, in the field of power engineering.
Dr. Ker Pin Jern

Dr. Ker Pin Jern
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Dr. Ker Pin Jern is a senior lecturer in the College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Malaysia since 2013. From years 2016 to 2018, he was the Head of Unit (Electronics & IT) in the Institute of Power Engineering (IPE), a research institute of UNITEN. Currently, he is the Principal Researcher in the Institute of Sustainable Energy (ISE). His research interests include the characterization of optical sensors, development of optical sensing and intelligent control system for applications in energy industries. He has been associated with technical education for more than seven years and he is currently supervising / co-supervising >10 postgraduate students. He is a project leader and a member of various government and industrial research projects related to the characterization of infrared sensors, optical characterization of transformer insulating oil, power cable monitoring and development of intelligent control system using optical sensing. Under the UNITEN R&D Sdn. Bhd., he is also a research consultant who provides customized solutions for many problems associated with the energy industries. He has published more than 50 technical papers in international journals, conferences and magazines. He is a Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA, The Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET), UK, and a member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM).
Key Project Highlights
- Optical sensing prototype for inhibitor content concentration measurement in transformer oil at near-infrared wavelengths (Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education, PRGS), 2019-ongoing
- Design and Optical Characterization of InGaAs Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) Cells for Waste Heat Harvesting in Thermal Power Plants (TNB seed fund), 2017-ongoing
- Development of an Optical Infrared Sensing Prototype at 3.4µm for the Detection of Transformer Insulating Oil Aging and Degradation (Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education, PRGS), 2017-2019

Professor Dr. Saifuddin Bin Hj. M. Nomanbhay
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Prof. Dr. Saifuddin bin Hj. M. Nomanbhay worked as lecturer in Yayasan Pelajaran Mara, Sunway College, and Prime College since 1991. In 2000, he has joined UNITEN and in the last 21 years at UNITEN, he has been actively involved in the research field of microwave assisted reactions, biocatalyst immobilization and biodiesel/bioethanol production. He is currently the professor/principal researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Energy (ISE) of UNITEN. His research now is more focus on renewable resources and enabling technologies. More recently the focus has been on microwave plasma reactions for methanation and CO2 utilization, including greenhouse gases destruction. He has substantial volume of refereed research publications (more than 100 journal papers and conference papers), a book chapter and a book. His works has has received more than 2,500 citations (based on GoogleScholar).
Key Project Highlights
- High Quality Bio-Oil Production from Algal Biomass through Microwave Assisted Hydrothermal Liquefaction, 2018-2020
- Biodiesel Production through Non-Catalytic Transesterification under Sub-Critical Condition, 2016-2018
- Bio-Hydrogen Production from Algae, 2015-2016

Professor Ir. Dr. Tiong Sieh Kiong
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Prof. Ir. Dr. Tiong Sieh Kiong has 19 years of working experience in Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) and 4 years industrial experience with a multinational company, Hitachi Electronic Products Malaysia (HEPM). During his work as a senior system design engineer at HEPM, he has been stationed in Japan for 1 year and in Malaysia for 3 years. His tenure at HEPM was to lead a local project team to work together with Japanese development team to design and develop various video cassette recorders (VCR) for worldwide market.
Prof. Ir. Dr. Tiong Sieh Kiong is currently a professor in the College of Engineering. He is also the Director for Institute of Sustainable Energy (ISE), UNITEN. As an academician in UNITEN, he has contributed actively in teaching, training and consultancy service to power and energy industry, especially Tenaga Nasional Berhad and its subsidiaries. He has conducted more than 280 lecture sections for 10 different courses such as Satellite Communication Theory, Advanced Microprocessor System, Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to Advanced Communication Systems, Microprocessor System, Digital Logic Design, Circuit Analysis II and Industrial Automation, Mobile and Cellular Communication, Engineers in Society.
In his capacity as a research consultant, he has led more than 40 research and consultancy projects for industries and government. From the researches outcome, he has authored and co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed, indexed journal and proceeding papers. Besides, he has been also actively conducting workshops and short courses for academicians, researchers and engineers. The conducted short courses were Utility Data Digitization of Industry 4.0 for Better Operation Management (for HAPUA utilities), Smarter and Sustainable Future Utility System; Artificial Intelligence Solution for R&D – Support Vector Machine & Ant Colony, Fuzzy Logic & Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm & Artificial Immune System; Quikseries: An Affordable CAD for Designers; Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Applications; PIC Microcontroller Workshop For Engineers, PIC Microcontroller for Industrial Applications.
He is currently a Professional Engineer registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). He is also a Member of the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and he was the Chair of its Communication & Vehicular Technology Society (Malaysia Chapter) in the year of 2011 and 2012. Besides, he is also an expert committee of MOSTA and an evaluation panel of MOE.
Key Project Highlights
- Development of Smart Billing Data Development Architecture and Software Toolset (SBAST) For TNB Advanced Metered Customers – TNB Distribution Network 2018-2019
- Research and Development of Advanced Portable Surveillance With Intrusion Alert System (APSIS) for TNB SEAL Operation and Detection of Electricity Fraudulent – TNB Distribution Network 2017-2018
- Development of Faults Classification System for TNB Distribution Switchgear Based on Ultrasound Analysis Technique Using Extreme Learning Machine – TNB Research 2017-2018

Associate Professor Ir. Ts. Dr. Marayati Binti Marsadek
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Marayati has more than 18 years of teaching, research and consultancy experience in various power and energy related topic. She has successfully led and completed more than 10 consultancies project in various field such as relationship of LOLP to reserve margin for optimal generation planning, development of motorized racking system for switchgear and various guidelines development in the last 8 years.
She was one of the trainers for the Training Program on Research and Development in Electric Utility For Bhutan Power Corporation. She has authored more than ten guidelines and manuals used by engineers in Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia. She has recently taken up research related to the formulation of value of loss load for Peninsular Malaysia.
Key Project Highlights
- Development of 1-fit-all safe automated racking system for circuit breaker.
- Guidelines and manuals development.

Professor Ir. Dr. Agileswari K Ramasamy
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Prof. Ir. Dr. Agileswari K Ramasamy has 20 years working experience as an academic and researcher/consultant at Universiti Tenaga Nasional. She has taught several engineering courses both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. As a researcher she has successfully headed and completed several local and international research grants in engineering focusing mainly on control engineering and renewable energy. She has authored and published several high indexed journals especially in energy related research.
In terms of consultancy projects, she is actively involved in energy efficiency verification, renewable energy system and power system studies. Her technical expertise was used in formulating the “Solar PV Interconnection Guidelines for Malaysia and “Guidelines of Interconnection of Distribution (DG) to the Distribution Network”. She has also authored a chapter in the technical module “Pole Mounted 33 kV Automated Circuit Recloser with Distribution Autotransformer for TNB’’.
Currently she is actively pursuing her research interest in energy efficiency whereby she is heading a consultancy project on Developing Energy Management Framework for TNB Distribution Office and TNB Retail. She is an ASEAN Energy Management (AEMAS) Certified Energy Assessor where she has assessed energy performance of several hospitals and medical laboratories in Malaysia. In addition, she also conducts training as an AEMAS Certified Trainer. Additionally, she has also developed teaching modules in Energy Management for Open University Malaysia.
Her technical contribution to the university and services to the community has led her to receive many awards at university level and she is also the recipient of Institute Engineering Technology (IET) Women Engineer Award 2019.
Key Project Highlights
- Development of Sustainable Energy Management Framework for TNB Distribution Office and TNB Retail- 2020
- Measurement and Verification of Intelligent Chiller Energy Efficiency System (ICEE) Control System for ICEE Energy Services-2019
- Power System Study for Light Rail Transit Line3 (LRT 3) from Bandar Utama to Johan Setia 9 -2017

Pofessor Dr. Chandan Kumar Chakrabarty
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Prof. Dr. Chandan Kumar Chakrabarty has 34 years working experience in various fields in engineering and science. He started his career in 1989 as a service engineer of medical and engineering equipment in Schmidt Scientific(M) Sdn Bhd. He was involved in the servicing and of equipment and involvement in turnkey engineering projects. He
then joined Sitt Tatt Ind Gases in 1991 as an applied R &D engineer for industrial gases. He was involved in generating applications of these gases in the electronics and oleochemical industries. He then joined SIRIM in 1992 as a research officer in materials technologies. He was involved in the synthesis and fabrication of advance materials and prototypes. And in 1998, he joined Universiti Tenaga Nasional and performed the duties as a lecturer and consultant. He was involved in consultancies works with TNB for 12 years in various capacities. He has published more than 150 publications in journals and conferences and has produced 13 Ph.D and 30 Master degrees. He has also successfully been granted 3 patents. He is still deeply involved in equipment prototyping for partial discharge detection.
Key Project Highlights
- Prototyping solar powered stand-alone pole mounted partial discharge detection system (2019)
- Prototyping double ended GPS based partial discharge location system (2017)
- Prototyping partial discharge scanning equipment (2012)
Professor. Ir. Dr. Vigna Kumaran Ramachandaramurthy

Professor. Ir. Dr. Vigna Kumaran Ramachandaramurthy
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Prof Vigna joined Tenaga Nasional Berhad in 2002 as an electrical engineer. In 2005, he moved to Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) and is presently a Professor in the Institute of Power Engineering. Prof Vigna has received many awards for research and leadership such as the ‘Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Mike Sargeant
Award’ and the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) Young Engineers Award. He has also won many research and consultancy related awards.
In the professional front, Prof Vigna has served in the following portfolios: Chairman of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Malaysia Section from 2009-2011, IET Council Member (2008-2010), Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) Council Member (2013-2016), IET Younger Members Board representing West Asia (2007-2009), IEM Electrical Engineering Tech. Division Committee, IEEE Malaysia PES Excomm, International Professional Registration Advisor & Interviewer and Convenor for Chartered Engineering (UK) for IET in Malaysia. Prof Vigna is also a Chartered Engineer registered with the Engineering Council of UK and a Professional Engineer registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia. In the Academic front, he has served as Programme External Examiner for seven universities in Malaysia. He is also an Editorial Board Member/Assoc Editor for IEEE Smart Grid, IEEE Access, IET Smart Grid and IET Renewable Power Generation.
Prof Vigna advocates industry based research. He heads the Power Quality Research Group in UNITEN. To date, he has successfully supervised and graduated more than 110 postgraduate students and has completed more than 200 research and consultancy based projects. Prof Vigna was the principal consultant to develop the technical guidelines related to solar PV, distributed generation and electric vehicle in Malaysia. He was also involved in revising the Distribution Code for Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah. & F.T. Labuan 2017.
Key Project Highlights
- Power systems studies for renewable energy plants (LSS, Net Metering, Self--Consumption)
- Evaluation of Power Conditioning Units In respect of Impact to Testers by voltage sag, transient and harmonics
- Technical evaluation of 60MW wind farm and 10MW Photovoltaic farm in Jaffna, Sri Lanka

Professor Dr. Ong Hang See
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Prof Dr. Ong Hang See started his career as an engineer in United States working in biomedical instrumentation and healthcare IT relate projects. He participated in some of the high impact biomedical engineering projects. These include: Development of ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner, prototyping of a sonar power
meter to measure low-level radiation from ultrasound fetus scanner, and pioneering the design of teleradiology network infrastructure for supporting remote diagnosis system.
Upon joining Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Prof Ong shifted his focus to applying signal processing algorithms, telecommunication principles and digitization technologies to enhance situation awareness and robustness of electricity delivery grid. He led an effort to begin the roll out of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) platform in Malaysia by setting up a proof-of-concept AMI test bed in Uniten for Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). Subsequently, a one thousand meters pilot, followed by the full roll out of three hundred thousand meters in the state of Melaka by TNB were based on strategies developed in the test bed. Beside research works, Prof Ong also active in
providing seminar and short course in digital utility technologies.
Prof Ong also interested in innovation methodology. He is an International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ) certified Level Three practitioner and MyTRIZ Certified Level One Instructor. He has conducted many TRIZ Level One workshop at private organizations and also at high institution of learning. He is currently the auditor for Malaysian
TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ).
He has contributed more than 35 journal and 60 conference papers. His current technical focus is on Utility communication, digitization of electricity grid, and digital twin implementation of power grid. He is also pursuing application of TRIZ to enhance energy and power delivery system.
Key Project Highlights
- Investigation on Optimum Deployment of Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) as A Bridging Link to Access RMR Meter in a Low Signal Strength Environment - 2020
- Development of a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) for Smart Billing, 2016 - 2019
- Development of Smart Grid Information and Communication Test-Bed, 2011 - 2013

Pofessor. Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohd Zainal Abidin Ab. Kadir
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Professor Zainal is a Strategic Hire Professor at the Institute of Power Engineering (IPE), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) and a Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. He is the Founding Director at the Centre for Electromagnetic and Lightning Protection Research (CELP), Universiti Putra Malaysia, which is regarded as the World Leader in Lightning Safety by the lightning community.
Professor Zainal is an IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Distinguished Lecturer in the field of lightning and high voltage engineering and has delivered his lectures in various countries such as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and UAE, as well as actively delivered his keynotes and tutorial in IEEE-sponsored conferences. He is also the recipient of the Vice Chancellor Fellowship Award for Professional Services in 2017, Vice Chancellor Fellowship Award for Young Scientist in 2012 and Top Research Scientist Malaysia (TRSM) 2014. To date he has authored and co-authored around 375 technical papers comprising of high impact journals and conference proceedings . He has supervised 23 PhD and 42 MSc students and currently 35 PhD and 7 MSc are on their way. His research interests include high voltage engineering, lightning protection, electromagnetic compatibility and power system transients.
Professor Zainal is a Professional Engineer (PEng), a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and
Professional Technologist (PTech), as well as a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical dan Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Currently, he is the Chairman of the National Mirror Committee of IEC TC 81 (Lightning Protection), Local Convener of MNC-CIGRE C4 on System Technical Performance, Past Chair of IEEE PES Malaysia, Working Group Member of IEEE PES Lightning Performance on Overhead Lines, CIGRE C4.23 on Guide to Procedures for Estimating the Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines, CIGRE C4.39 on Effectiveness of Line Surge Arresters for Lightning Protection of Overhead Transmission Lines, CIGRE C4.44 on Lightning Performance on MV Lines and CIGRE C4.50 on EMC on Large Solar PV Systems.
He is also an International Steering Committee for Asia Pacific Lightning (APL), an Advisory Board Member of the National Lightning Safety Institute (NLSI) USA, Research Advisor for the African Centre for Lightning and Electromagnetic (ACLE) and Advisor to government agencies such as Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) and the Energy Commission of Malaysia.
Key Project Highlights
- Lightning Performance Analysis of 132/275 kV Critical Lines for GM North Sub-Zone PERDA: 2020 (TNB Grid)
- GIS-based Lightning and Weather Risk Assessment for Transmission Line Performance Improvement: 2020-2021 (TNB Grid)

Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Miszaina Osman
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Assoc Prof Ir Dr Miszaina Osman is an Associate Professor under the Institute of Power Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN). Previously, she has served as the Head of Department for Department of Electrical Power Engineering between 2009 and 2011, and also as the Deputy Dean (Academic & Quality Assurance) and Deputy Dean (Student Affairs & External Relations) between 2011 and 2018, in College of Engineering, UNITEN. She is a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) and a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.), as well as a member of Institute of Engineering and Technology UK (IET), Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM).
Her expert areas include power system grounding, lightning protection, and high voltage engineering. Currently, she is a member in the National Mirror Committee of IEC TC81 (Lightning Protection) and a country’s representative to the IEC TC 81 Meeting, for which Malaysia is a Permanent Member. Apart from that, she is also a
member in the CIGRE Working Group C4.50 on Evaluation of Transient Performance of Grounding System in Substation and CIGRE WG C4.57: Guidelines for the Estimation of Overhead Distribution Line Lightning Performance and its Application to Lightning Protection Design.
Assoc Prof Ir Dr Miszaina Osman has been involved as a project leader or team members in more than 25 research and consultancy projects for the past 15 years. She was the key consultant to develop key guidelines such as Electrical Safety Rules for TNB Distribution 2017, and other operating manuals related to TNB’s operation and
maintenance system. She is currently involved in lightning performance and mitigation analysis for critical lines in transmission network and transmission tower grounding studies for the critical lines in TNB system.
Key Project Highlights
- Lightning Performance Analysis Of 132/ 275 kV Critical Lines for GM North Sub-Zone Perda, TNB Grid, 2020 - ongoing
- Developed Improved Lightning Induced Overvoltages Model for Overhead Lines Lightning Performance Evaluation in TNB, 2011.
- Development of Guideline in Insulation Coordination Practices for MV Overhead Distribution Systems, TNB Distribution, 2009

Dr. Hasmaizan Hassan
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Dr. Hasmaizan Hassan is a senior lecturer with 20 years of experiences in vast discipline including research, teaching and supervision as well as her immense past corporate experiences in accounting. She starts her career as accountant and become a Chartered Accountant with Malaysia Institute of Accountant (MIA) in year 2012. After completing her Phd in Corporate Sustainability Strategic Management, she has developed her enthusiasm on issue pertaining to energy trilemma and sustainable development goals. Dr. Hasmaizan Hassan has demonstrated considerable expertise in providing research and consultancy services by using economic analysis such as techno-economic analysis and life cycle costing analysis, questionnaire survey analysis, secondary data analysis and stakeholder analysis related to the area of sustainable energy in addition to designing energy policies and developing business models. Among the important topics that have been studied by her over the past years are a techno economic analysis of high efficiency natural gas based cogeneration and a life cycle cost analysis of palm oil empty fruit bunch as future energy source. Currently she is conducting a project on the development of business model for electric vehicle charging station. She is also supervising a Master and PhD student in the area of accounting and energy related studies. In addition, she has vast research and consultancy experience from working on research projects funded by the Energy Commission of Malaysia, TNB and the government of Malaysia. Dr. Hasmaizan Hassan also passionate on empowering and educating the young generation on environmental preservation, protection, care and sustainability.
Key Project Highlights
- A Techno-Economic Study on High Efficiency Natural Gas Based Cogeneration in Malaysia.
- Assessment Of Biomass as Energy Resource for Future Energy Market Based on Life-Cycle Cost Analysis.
- Development of Business Model for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Platform.
- Investigation On Technical Impacts of Electric Vehicle Charging to Distribution Network.
- Development of Enhanced Methodology to Determine Value of Loss Load (Voll) For Domestic, Industrial and Commercial Customers In Peninsular Malaysia.
- Development Of Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) Algorithm for Communication In 11kV Distribution Network.

Dr. Muhummad Khairul Islam
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Dr Muhummad Khairul Islam has 23 years of working experience in various discipline in academic including research, teaching and supervision and corporate field in Malaysia and Bangladesh. His academic involvement (full-time and part-time) at several universities in Malaysian since 2008. Dr Muhummad Khairul Islam has also involved working in corporate field as Centre Management Executive, Admin and Purchasing Executive, Head Operation (Import and Export), Senior Executive (Marketing) and director of a land and properties company.
Dr Muhummad Khairul Islam has developed a passion for interdisciplinary approaches to mitigate the energy, economic, social and environmental challenge. As part of his PhD in business administration at international Islamic University Malaysia, he is also focuses on several areas of research including; Natural Gas Market liberalization, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices and their environmental performance, Valuation Optimization and Tariff Setting for Social Transition from Energy Consumers to Prosumers, Prioritizing Institutional Investor’s Requirement In ESG Initiatives, Blue Ocean Leadership Attributes towards Employee engagement, Employee Intelligence Environmental Behaviour, Coding mechanism and soft systems technique. His expertise also working on multi-criteria decision making tools namely “Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)” and matching tool “Quality Function Deployment (QFD)”. Dr Muhummad Khairul Islam’s ongoing research on few areas funded by Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) and Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).
Key Project Highlights
- Prioritizing Stakeholder’s Requirement (Sr) In EESG Initiatives Towards Reimagining TNB: An Application of AHP & Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
- A Comparative Analysis for Gas Market Liberalization across Countries Based on Long-Term and Short-Term Contract Initiation.
- Valuation Optimization and Tariff Setting for Social Transition from Energy Consumers to Prosumers: Policy Implication for Peninsular Malaysia of Electricity Market.
- Assessing the Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices and their environmental performance on Energy Provider Company in Malaysia.

Zulkifli Abdullah, F FIN
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Zulkifli began his career as an analyst in Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) with Research and Technology Analysis Department, and senior analyst at Research Division and PNB Research Institute (PNBRi) in various capacities. He had served Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) for eleven years in areas of corporate & strategic planning, corporate finance, M&A, investment analysis & valuation, unit trust, portfolio & asset management, real estate investment and economic research & analysis. He had also involved in drafting the Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER) masterplan for the Ninth Malaysia Plan and publish annual commentaries and sectoral analysis on the National Budget for the institute before taking up the role of finance lecturer at Uniten.
As an educator, he is actively contributing research papers in the area of financial economics and investment, particularly in the energy sector. His recent energy economic research has awarded the best research paper at the International Conference on Technology Innovative Educational and Multidisciplinary in the 21st Century Research in Thailand. He had also participated in various consultancy services with Tenaga Nasional Berhad in the field of socio-economic analysis, investments as well as tariff designs.
Zulkifli is also a member Malaysian Economic Association (MEA) and HRDF certified trainer. Beyond Malaysia, he is currently a Fellow at the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA), an association for financial services
professionals in Australia and New Zealand.
Key Project Highlights
- The Roles of PNB in Northern Corridor Economic Region Development (NCER)- Economic Planning Unit
- Merger and acquisitions of Sime Darby, Guthrie and Golden Hope-PNB
- Investment guidelines and strategy for energy venture – TNB Energy Venture
- Future electricity tariff model based on total/partial factor productivity assessment- TNB Regulatory Economics and Planning Division
- A simulation framework enabling a tariff setting of electricity distribution. – TNB Regulatory, Economics and Planning Division
- Socio-economic implications of TNB decisions on awarding suppliers with local versus imported products – TNB Procurement

Dr. Nora Yusma
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Dr. Nora Yusma bt. Mohamed Yusoff is a senior lecturer with 20 years of experiences in vast discipline including research, teaching and supervision as well as her immense past experiences in economics and energy studies. In 2003, she joined the Department of Economics and Entrepreneur, University of Tenaga Nasional, as a Lecturer, and in 2007 became a Senior Lecturer. From February 2009-March 2010 she has been seconded to Institute of Energy Policy and Research (IEPRe) as a Head of Energy Economics Unit. She had responsible preparing various energy economics research and consultancy projects. Her main tasks included identified relevant energy economic project and applying the various techniques of analysis model which were closely related with economics and forecasting modelling, energy policy and energy demand and etc. in Malaysia for various sector in economy. Among the important topics that have been studied by her over the past years are energy security analysis, tariff modelling for electricity price, energy sustainability, socio-economic impacts, and techno-economic analysis. At International level she involved as National Consultant/Researcher for “National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report for Malaysia”, 2011- 2015.This report is Malaysia’s First National Communication (NC2) submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). At national level, she has involved in National Consultant/Researcher in “Electricity Blueprint Report for Iskandar Malaysia” 2012. Throughout career as an energy economist and academic, she has managed to present her research findings at seminars and published several papers regarding the energy economics and relevant economics analysis of the country in both International and National refereed journal such as International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Procedia Economics and Finance (Science Direct), Journal of Asian and African Studies, Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia (JEM) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science and many more . Currently she is a member of International Energy Economics Associations (IEEA) of Unites States, a member of Malaysia Energy Centre (PTM), now has been knowns as Green Teach Corporation, a member of Malaysia Economics Association (MEA), member of Malaysia Finance and Economics Association. Through joining these associations, she is eligible to subscribe to many International Journal including International Energy Economics Journals and Economics Journals as well as subscribing Malaysia database for Energy and Economy Data. She has opportunities to attend and presenting my research finding at various conferences, workshops, seminars and forum either in Malaysia or abroad.
Key Project Highlights
- Development of Energy Sustainability Index for Malaysia, funded by Chair Energy Economics, Suruhanjaya Tenaga.
- Future Electricity Tariff Regulator Model Based on Total/Partial Factor Productivity Assessment of Government and Consumer Sentiments Development of Energy Sustainability Index for Malaysia, funded by TNB.
- A Simulation Framework Enabling a More Efficient and Fairer Tariff Setting of Electricity Distribution, funded by TNB.
- A Techno-economic Study on High Efficiency Natural Gas Based Cogeneration in Malaysia, funded by Chair Energy Economics, Suruhanjaya Tenaga.
- Assessment of Biomass as Energy Resource for Future Energy Market Based on Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, funded by TNB.
- Investigation on Technical Impacts of Electric Vehicle Charging to Distribution Network, funded by TNB.
- Development of Enhanced Methodology to Determine Value of Loss Load (VOLL) For Domestic, Industrial and Commercial Customers in Peninsular Malaysia, funded by TNB Labs.
- Development of Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) Algorithm for Communication In 11kv Distribution Network, funded by TNB.

Ir. Dr. Sanjayan Velautham
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Ir.Dr.Sanjayan has more than 35 years of experience in the industry, government, international organisation, and the academia. A registered professional engineer (P.Eng.), a Senior Member at the Institute Engineers Malaysia, an Advisory Board Member of the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC), Japan and a member of the Global Future Council on Energy, World Economic Forum (2018-2019). He is a recipient of the ASEAN Excellence in Energy Management by Individual at the ASEAN Energy Awards 2019 during the 37th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM).
Involved with national, regional and international technical / commercial co-operation, in energy transformation efforts with respect to technology, regulatory frameworks and fiscal incentives. Maintains a mix of appointments and engagements in several countries within the Asia-Pacific region, working with decision makers in government, corporate, academia, and civil society.
He had started his career at Tenaga Nasional Bhd. (TNB) within the Power Generations Division, including several years as an Assoc. Prof. at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He had moved to Singapore in 2008 as the Deputy Director with the Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), and then with General Electric, Heading the Power Generation Services business for the ASIA-Pacific region. He had also served as the Executive Director at the ASEAN Centre for Energy in Jakarta and recently completed his tenure as the CEO of the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA), Malaysia.
He has authored several publications on Energy in international journals and a contributing author to several book publications, including the Routledge Handbook of Energy in Asia. A frequent keynote speaker / panelist in Energy Conferences and Forums around the ASEAN+3 Region, and OECD countries.
Key Project Highlights
- Malaysia Renewable Energy Transition Roadmap 2035
- Panel Member 12th Malaysian Plan and the National Energy Policy.
- 5 thASEAN Energy Outlook
- ASEAN+3 Oil and Natural Gas Market and Business Committee
- Malaysia Bio Gen Project - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Thermal Energy Efficiency Guideline for Malaysia

Mohamed Siraj Abdul Razack
Educational Background
Professional Experience
Mr. Siraj Abdul Razack has 41 years working experience in setting up and working in multinational oil & gas, engineering, utility companies namely – Petrofac ECOM (Asia Pacific), Wasco Energy, DRB-Hicom/Alam Flora Sdn. Bhd. and had served over 25 years at senior leadership and management positions. A Senior Member of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and International Society of Automation (ISA), Member of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and also council member of ENSEARCH.
He had started his career at MMC Bhd in Oil & Gas division as Managing Director in 16 years and transferred to DRB- Hicom/Alam Flora as a Chief Executive Officer for 10 years responsible to set-up Alam Flora locally and expanded its
operation to Middle East. During his tenure, he had been appointed as Director for 2 companies under DRB-Hicom whereby PPSC Sdn. Bhd. and Hicom Petro Pipe (HPP) Board. During 2006, he successfully become Senior Vice President, Wasco Energy/ CEO of Petro-Pipe (Sabah) Sdn. Bhd. to manufacture and supply API X-70, 36” pipes and coating pipes of 552km for the Petronas Carigali Sabah Sarawak Gas Pipeline (SSGP) valued at RM400mil. On 2012, he joined Petrofac ECOM, Asia Pacific appointed as Director of Projects & Executive Project Sponsor to directed and delivered the Project of Petronas Carigali EPCIC of the Bekok ‘C’ Restoration besides responsible to secured the RAPID Package 4 for Petrofac valued at USD550mil and led the Business development and introduction of PETROFAC to all major oil & gas clients in Malaysia. By 2016, he joined MRCB as Advisor to Executive Director for 2 years to give technical and financial advice including inputs to technology, concession agreement, public relation and education
Currently, he is Freelance Consultant/Advisor to various Oil & Gas and Environmental/ Waste management projects by providing them technical advice, review and select technology, prepare project execution plans, coordinate & give inputs to financial model and carry out feasibility studies to his clients.
Key Project Highlights
- 1988 – 1991: EPCC of the Petronas Gas Peninsular Gas Utilization (PGU) II Project entailing Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Comissioning of 754km of 36” pipeline covering 3 sectors namely Kerteh to Segamat, Segamat to Pasir Gudang and Segamat to Port Klang.
- 1992: UCAR Carbon- Feasibility study for setup of Carbon Black Plant in Malaysia
- 1992: Build, Own, Operate (BOO) project for the Natural Gas Distribution System Project (NGDS) from Petronas
- Manufacture and supply API X-70, 36-inch pipes and coating of the pipes of 522km for the Petronas Carigali Sabah Sarawak Gas Pipeline (SSGP)project
- 2012: Petronas Carigali EPCIC of the Bekok ‘C’ Restoration project