Our Story
IPE aspires to be the point of reference for education, research, and development in the field of Power Engineering in Malaysia.
Mission and Vision
The institute draws its multidisciplinary expertise from academicians and researchers from various colleges within UNITEN and TNB Research, as well as practicing engineers and technologists from its parent electric utility group, TNB.
Automated Safe Racking System for 11 kV and 33 kV Switchgear
Currently, the indoor type Vacuum Circuit Breakers truck/carriages (VCBs) are manually rack-in and rack-out of service position. For safety, all VCBs are equipped and protected with interlocking switches/devices from hazardous racking operation. Malfunctioning of interlocking mechanism or racking process is very unlikely, but if it happens the results are catastrophic and life threatening due arc flash explosion. There has been such malfunctions in past and results in loss of life in some incidents.
In view of the proximity of maintenance staff required for manual rack-in-and rack-out operation of VCBs carriage/truck, motorized and remotely controlled racking systems are proposed for different types of VCB switchgears in use. The proposed systems would eliminate personnel presence in vicinity of VCB during racking operation and minimized life threating risk due to arc flash explosion. Photos of key projects of team members:
Development of a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) for Smart Billing
During the major three hundred thousand smart meters roll out in the state of Melaka within Malaysia, there are a lot of questions from the stake holders regarding the inner working of this technology and the benefit of such implementation. To better address these questions, Uniten, with collaboration with TNB Smart Billing and TNBR, has designed and constructed a scaled-down version of AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) for demonstrating the principle of operation of the smart metering system. In addition, a two-ways AMI-home interactive HEMS (Home Energy Management System) was built from scratch to showcase the benefit of doing energy management at home.
The demonstrative AMI involved complicated integration of multi-vendors smart meter, data concentrator gateway, and backend systems such as metering head-end and meter data management system (MDMS). While HEM system development included smart plug, various loads, sensors, control devices, and cloud integration. Both systems are supported by wireless and power line communication technologies for connectivity, which is like the AMI field implementation in Melaka. Users interact with these systems using homebuilt desktop and mobile apps.
Development of Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite for Insulating Material in High Voltage Transmission Line
In high-voltage transmission line structures, Insulators are very essential component, which play an important role to sustain the power transmission over a long distance. Existing insulating materials such as ceramic, glass and synthetic fiber composite insulators are heavy and non-biodegradable. Therefore, alternative composite materials were explored for insulating materials with less weight, less energy for production and with improved electrical properties and possess environmentally friendly characteristics. Kenaf is biologically known as Hibiscus Cannabinus and is locally available in abundance. In this project, kenaf was chosen as a reinforcing fiber material reinforced with polymer matrix. Various formulations of kenaf and polymeric material was prepared by vacuum infusion and pultrusion techniques and the effect of kenaf reinforcement on mechanical and electrical insulation properties of the polymer composite sheets and rods were investigated. The research team worked on the testing and characterization of the Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, stiffness, flexural properties and electrical insulating properties especially dielectric strength and other high voltage insulation properties.
Development of various TNB manuals and guideline:
- TNB Distribution Engineering Fundamentals
- Provides sound engineering guides for quick reference on certain limits and requirements especially for field applications.
- It discusses topics which commonly require technical decision making
- (c)It documents the unwritten wisdoms from the viewpoint of engineering practitioners
- Manual Sistem DC 30 V and 110 V
These manuals provide detail explanation on the theoretical, handling, installation and other relevant topic for DC system in the substation.
- A Guide for Distribution Protection Setting & Coordination
This guidebook describes the theoretical concept of typical protection scheme in TNB Distribution system. Typical settings adopted by TNB Distribution are also included in this guidebook. Sample of case studies simulated by using CAPE software are also presented to provide guidance and example of proper protection settings and coordination.
- Testing & Commisioning Guidelines for Distribution Substation
One of the important criteria in improving the grid reliability and efficiency is by ensuring sufficient electricity supply is available by a properly functioning distribution protection system. With continuous expansion of the distribution network and its ever challenging environment, it is essential that the spirit of ’do it right the first time’ be instilled among TNB personnel and appointed contractors. Correct testing and commissioning of distribution substation will ensure reliable and quality power supply, longer equipment lifespan and improved system security and safety.
This guidelines incorporates the latest technological changes in protection equipment and design, existing relevant instructions and circulars, as well as approved technical specifications.
- Development of Enhanced Methodology to Determine Value of Loss Load (VOLL) for Domestic and Non-domestic Customers in Peninsular Malaysia
This projects will review and develop the enhance methodology to determine VoLL in Peninsular Malaysia.
Client List

Institute of Power Enginering (IPE)
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
43000 Kajang
Selangor, Malaysia